Paper: When Policies Problematize the Local: Social-Environmental Justice and Forest Policies in Burkina Faso and Vietnam

Grace Y. Wong, Mawa Karambiri, Pham Thu Thuy, Alizée Ville, Tuan Long Hoang, Chi Dao Thi Linh, Andrea Downing, Amanda Jiménez-Aceituno, Maria Brockhaus. (2024). When Policies Problematize the Local: Social-Environmental Justice and Forest Policies in Burkina Faso and Vietnam. Forest and Society, 8(1), 296-313.

Paper: Environmental Justice and Human Well-being Bundles in Protected Areas: An Assessment in Campo Ma’an Landscape, Cameroon

Ahmad Dhiaulhaq, Catherine M. Hepp, Laetitia M. Adjoffoin, Corine Ehowe, Samuel Assembe-Mvondo, Grace Y. Wong. (2024). Environmental justice and human well-being bundles in protected areas: An assessment in Campo Ma’an landscape, Cameroon. Forest Policy and Economics.

Book chapter: Crises, Complexities and Claims in Protected Areas – Landscape of (In) Coherent Biodiversity Governance and Social-Environmental Injustice in Southwest Cameroon

Samuel Assembe-Mvondo, Julius Chupezi Tieguhong, Grace Wong and Maria Brockhaus. (2023) Crises, complexities and claims in protected areas: Landscapes of (in)coherent biodiversity governance and social-environmental injustice in Southwest Cameroon. In Ongolo, S., & Krott, M. (Eds.) Power Dynamics in African Forests: The Politics of Global Sustainability (1st ed.). Routledge, London.